2023-07-28 20:44:00 +00:00
defmodule Prymn.Accounts.UserNotifier do
import Swoosh.Email
alias Prymn.Mailer
# Delivers the email using the application mailer.
defp deliver(recipient, subject, body) do
email =
|> to(recipient)
|> from({"Prymn", "contact@example.com"})
|> subject(subject)
|> text_body(body)
2023-07-29 11:45:09 +00:00
{:ok, _metadata} = Mailer.deliver(email)
{:ok, email}
2023-07-28 20:44:00 +00:00
@doc """
Deliver instructions to confirm account.
2023-08-29 11:16:25 +00:00
@spec deliver_confirmation_instructions(Prymn.Accounts.User.t(), String.t()) ::
{:ok, Swoosh.Email.t()}
2023-07-28 20:44:00 +00:00
def deliver_confirmation_instructions(user, url) do
deliver(user.email, "Confirmation instructions", """
Hi #{user.email},
You can confirm your account by visiting the URL below:
If you didn't create an account with us, please ignore this.
@doc """
Deliver instructions to reset a user password.
2023-08-29 11:16:25 +00:00
@spec deliver_reset_password_instructions(Prymn.Accounts.User.t(), String.t()) ::
{:ok, Swoosh.Email.t()}
2023-07-28 20:44:00 +00:00
def deliver_reset_password_instructions(user, url) do
deliver(user.email, "Reset password instructions", """
Hi #{user.email},
You can reset your password by visiting the URL below:
If you didn't request this change, please ignore this.
@doc """
Deliver instructions to update a user email.
2023-08-29 11:16:25 +00:00
@spec deliver_update_email_instructions(Prymn.Accounts.User.t(), String.t()) ::
{:ok, Swoosh.Email.t()}
2023-07-28 20:44:00 +00:00
def deliver_update_email_instructions(user, url) do
deliver(user.email, "Update email instructions", """
Hi #{user.email},
You can change your email by visiting the URL below:
If you didn't request this change, please ignore this.