chore: switch to nix for development (closes #2)

This commit add nix support for development shells. The developer can
use `nix develop` to setup a complete and reproducable devleopment
environment using Nix.
This commit is contained in:
Nikos Papadakis 2023-09-30 21:06:56 +03:00
parent c896fd6d7e
commit 4bc159d698
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: nikos
GPG key ID: 78871F9905ADFF02
6 changed files with 195 additions and 45 deletions

.editorconfig Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
root = true
charset = utf-8
end_of_line = lf
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
insert_final_newline = true

View file

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
elixir 1.15.5
erlang 26.0.2

View file

@ -2,53 +2,30 @@
## Project dependencies
## Development
- Elixir 1.15
- Erlang 24 or later
- Rust (recent version)
- protoc for protobufs version 3
### Nix
## Setup
The best way to setup your development environment is with
[Nix]( As a pre-requisite, you need to install Nix
and enable the experimental features **nix-command** and **flakes**.
Some basic steps to setup the project and its dependencies.
After installation,
- Install [asdf]( (curl is also required)
- Using git: `git clone ~/.asdf`
- or, using paru, `paru -S asdf-vm`
- Add asdf to path: `source /opt/asdf-vm/asdf.{bash,zsh,fish}`, or `~/.asdf/asdf.{bash,zsh,fish}`
- Install erlang
- `asdf plugin add erlang`
- `asdf install erlang 25`
- Install elixir
- `asdf plugin add elixir`
- `asdf install elixir 1.15`
- Install rust
- Optionally, set `CARGO_HOME` and `RUSTUP_HOME` to a XDG directory (e.g `~/.local/share/cargo` and `~/.local/share/rustup`)
- Arch: `pacman -S rustup`
- Other: `curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh`
- Make sure to add `$HOME/.cargo/bin` (or `$CARGO_HOME`) to `PATH`
- `rustup toolchain install stable`
- `rustup default stable`
- `rustup component add clippy`
- `rustup component add rust-analyzer`
- `rustup component add rustfmt`
- Install [protoc]( version 3
- Arch: `pacman -S protobuf`
- Debian: `apt install -y protobuf-compiler`
- (Optional) Install [inotify-tools](
- Arch: `pacman -S inotify-tools`
- Debian: `apt install -y inotify-tools`
- Setup elixir
- Install hex: `mix local.hex`
- `cd app && mix escript.install hex protobuf`
- `asdf reshim`
- Clone the repo: `git clone && cd prymn`
- Run `nix develop` or `nix develop -c $SHELL` to use your shell
- Optionally, install [rust-analyzer](
- With nix: `nix profile install nixpkgs#rust-analyzer`
## Preparing for development
### Manual
### Elixir app
Alternatively, you can install all the dependencies manually. Here's a (maybe
incomplete) list of packages to install:
- `cd app`
- Start the database: `docker-compose up -d`
- `mix setup`
- `mix phx.server`
- gcc
- inotify-tools
- Elixir (v1.16)
- Erlang (OTP 26)
- protobuf
- protoc-gen-elixir (via `mix escript.install hex protobuf`)
- Rust stable toolchain (v1.72)

flake.lock Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
"nodes": {
"flake-utils": {
"inputs": {
"systems": "systems"
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1681202837,
"narHash": "sha256-H+Rh19JDwRtpVPAWp64F+rlEtxUWBAQW28eAi3SRSzg=",
"owner": "numtide",
"repo": "flake-utils",
"rev": "cfacdce06f30d2b68473a46042957675eebb3401",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "numtide",
"repo": "flake-utils",
"type": "github"
"nixpkgs": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1695318763,
"narHash": "sha256-FHVPDRP2AfvsxAdc+AsgFJevMz5VBmnZglFUMlxBkcY=",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "e12483116b3b51a185a33a272bf351e357ba9a99",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "NixOS",
"ref": "nixpkgs-unstable",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"type": "github"
"nixpkgs_2": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1681358109,
"narHash": "sha256-eKyxW4OohHQx9Urxi7TQlFBTDWII+F+x2hklDOQPB50=",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "96ba1c52e54e74c3197f4d43026b3f3d92e83ff9",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "NixOS",
"ref": "nixpkgs-unstable",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"type": "github"
"root": {
"inputs": {
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs",
"rust-overlay": "rust-overlay"
"rust-overlay": {
"inputs": {
"flake-utils": "flake-utils",
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs_2"
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1696039808,
"narHash": "sha256-7TbAr9LskWG6ISPhUdyp6zHboT7FsFrME5QsWKybPTA=",
"owner": "oxalica",
"repo": "rust-overlay",
"rev": "a4c3c904ab29e04a20d3a6da6626d66030385773",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "oxalica",
"repo": "rust-overlay",
"type": "github"
"systems": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1681028828,
"narHash": "sha256-Vy1rq5AaRuLzOxct8nz4T6wlgyUR7zLU309k9mBC768=",
"owner": "nix-systems",
"repo": "default",
"rev": "da67096a3b9bf56a91d16901293e51ba5b49a27e",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "nix-systems",
"repo": "default",
"type": "github"
"root": "root",
"version": 7

flake.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
description = "Prymn";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
rust-overlay.url = "github:oxalica/rust-overlay";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, rust-overlay }:
#supportedSystems = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-darwin" ];
system = "x86_64-linux";
overlays = [
(final: prev: {
elixir = prev.beam.packages.erlang_26.elixir_1_15;
elixir-ls = prev.beam.packages.erlang_26.elixir-ls.override { elixir = final.elixir; };
protoc-gen-elixir = prev.callPackage ./protoc-gen-elixir.nix { elixir = final.elixir; };
(import rust-overlay)
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
inherit system overlays;
devShells.${system}.default = with pkgs; mkShell {
packages = [
] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [ inotify-tools ];
inputsFrom = [

protoc-gen-elixir.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
{ elixir, beamPackages, fetchFromGitHub }:
beamPackages.mixRelease rec {
pname = "protoc-gen-elixir";
version = "v0.12.0";
inherit elixir;
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "elixir-protobuf";
repo = "protobuf";
rev = "ce9a031a5cae97336d4674670d313d54f1f80bf6";
sha256 = "wLU3iM9jI/Zc96/HfPUjNvjteGryWos6IobIb/4zqpw=";
mixFodDeps = beamPackages.fetchMixDeps {
pname = "mix-deps-${pname}";
inherit src version;
sha256 = "H7yiBHoxuiqWcNbWwPU5X0Nnv8f6nM8z/ZAfZAGPZjE=";
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
mv ./protoc-gen-elixir $out/bin