defmodule PrymnWeb.AppIndexLive do use PrymnWeb, :live_view alias Prymn.Apps @impl true def mount(_, _, socket) do apps = Apps.list_apps() for %Apps.App{} = app <- apps do Phoenix.PubSub.subscribe(Prymn.PubSub, "app:#{}") end {:ok, assign(socket, :apps, apps)} end @impl true def render(assigns) do ~H""" <%= cond do %> <% assigns.live_action == :new -> %> <.back navigate={~p"/apps"}>Go back <.live_component id={:new} module={PrymnWeb.CreateApp} app_type={assigns[:app_type]} /> <% assigns.apps == [] -> %> <.onboarding /> <% true -> %>
<.header> Live Apps <:subtitle> All of your apps accross all projects. <:actions> Create app

App: <%= %>

Server: <%= %>

<% end %> """ end @impl true def handle_info(msg, socket) do dbg(msg, label: "Incoming message from pubsub") {:noreply, socket} end @impl true def handle_params(%{"app_type" => app_type}, _, socket) do {:noreply, assign(socket, app_type: app_type)} end def handle_params(_, _, socket) do {:noreply, socket |> assign(:page_title, (socket.assigns.live_action == :new && "New App") || "Apps")} end defp onboarding(assigns) do ~H"""

You have no Apps.

Create your first App here!

Create a new App
""" end end