# Prymn [![status-badge](https://ci.nikos.gg/api/badges/nikos/prymn/status.svg)](https://ci.nikos.gg/nikos/prymn) ## Development ### Nix The best way to setup your development environment is with [Nix](https://nixos.org/download). As a pre-requisite, you need to install Nix and enable the experimental features **nix-command** and **flakes**. After installation, - Clone the repo: `git clone git@git.nikos.gg:prymn/prymn.git && cd prymn` - Run `nix develop` or `nix develop -c $SHELL` to use your shell - Optionally, install [rust-analyzer](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer/) - With nix: `nix profile install nixpkgs#rust-analyzer` ### Manual Alternatively, you can install all the dependencies manually. Here's a (maybe incomplete) list of packages to install: - gcc - inotify-tools - Elixir (v1.16) - Erlang (OTP 26) - protobuf - protoc-gen-elixir (via `mix escript.install hex protobuf`) - Rust stable toolchain (v1.72)