Nikos Papadakis 5d948f4c19 Add health checking system to agent
Adds a health checking endpoint on the GRPC server. This is a stream that changes whenever a health status update occurs.

Co-authored-by: Nikos Papadakis <>
Co-committed-by: Nikos Papadakis <>
2023-08-12 09:37:01 +00:00

71 lines
1.4 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
package prymn;
message SystemHealth {
// Comma-separated statuses
string status = 1;
message TaskHealth {
string status = 1;
string message = 2;
string started_on = 3;
int32 progress = 4;
message HealthResponse {
string version = 1;
SystemHealth system = 2;
map<string, TaskHealth> tasks = 3;
message SysInfoResponse {
message Cpu {
uint64 freq_mhz = 1;
float usage = 2;
message Disk {
string name = 1;
uint64 total_bytes = 2;
uint64 avail_bytes = 3;
string mount_point = 4;
uint64 uptime = 1;
string hostname = 2;
string os = 3;
uint64 mem_total_bytes = 4;
uint64 mem_avail_bytes = 5;
uint64 swap_total_bytes = 6;
uint64 swap_free_bytes = 7;
repeated Cpu cpus = 8;
repeated Disk disks = 9;
message ExecRequest {
string program = 1;
repeated string args = 2;
message ExecResponse {
message Output {
string stdout = 1;
string stderr = 2;
oneof response {
Output output = 1;
int32 exit_code = 2;
string error = 3;
service Agent {
rpc Health(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream HealthResponse);
rpc GetSysInfo(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (SysInfoResponse);
rpc Exec(ExecRequest) returns (stream ExecResponse);