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- Neovim Nightly
- Fish Shell
- And more
Pick and choose - you might want to change some stuff (git config for example).
You will have to install the fonts I use in these dotfiles separately
- Clone the repository (e.g into
git clone https://git.nikos.gg/nikos/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
- For automated dotfile linking use just
- Use
just add target
where target is the config directory
cd ~/.dotfiles
just add fish
just add nvim
just add wezterm
- Or, manually link the directory you need
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/fish/dot-config/fish ~/.config/fish
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/nvim/dot-config/nvim ~/.config/nvim
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/wezterm/dot-config/wezterm ~/.config/wezterm