2023-07-13 15:16:15 +03:00

54 lines
1.8 KiB

# Prymn
## Project dependencies
- Elixir 1.15
- Erlang 24 or later
- Rust (recent version)
- protoc for protobufs version 3
## Setup
Some basic steps to setup the project and its dependencies.
- Install [asdf]( (curl is also required)
- Using git: `git clone ~/.asdf`
- or, using paru, `paru -S asdf-vm`
- Add asdf to path: `source /opt/asdf-vm/asdf.{bash,zsh,fish}`, or `~/.asdf/asdf.{bash,zsh,fish}`
- Install erlang
- `asdf plugin add erlang`
- `asdf install erlang 25`
- Install elixir
- `asdf plugin add elixir`
- `asdf install elixir 1.15`
- Install rust
- Optionally, set `CARGO_HOME` and `RUSTUP_HOME` to a XDG directory (e.g `~/.local/share/cargo` and `~/.local/share/rustup`)
- Arch: `pacman -S rustup`
- Other: `curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh`
- Make sure to add `$HOME/.cargo/bin` (or `$CARGO_HOME`) to `PATH`
- `rustup toolchain install stable`
- `rustup default stable`
- `rustup component add clippy`
- `rustup component add rust-analyzer`
- `rustup component add rustfmt`
- Install [protoc]( version 3
- Arch: `pacman -S protobuf`
- Debian: `apt install -y protobuf-compiler`
- (Optional) Install [inotify-tools](
- Arch: `pacman -S inotify-tools`
- Debian: `apt install -y inotify-tools`
- Setup elixir
- Install hex: `mix local.hex`
- `cd backend && mix escript.install hex protobuf`
- `asdf reshim`
## Preparing for development
### Backend
- `cd backend`
- Start the database: `docker-compose up -d`
- `mix setup`
- `mix phx.server`